
Superman With the excitement good and bad of the new Superman: Man of Steel movie released on the June, 14th, 2013 I feel compelled to write a bit about Superman: comics and movies. As a kid I watched the Christopher Reeves Superman movies and I my first comic had Superman in it (see My first comic), I even had a giant sized Superman comic that had a fold out poster of Krypton that was tacked to my wall for most of my youth. As a young kid he was cool, but in a way I think kids have a tendency to notice. Superman is colorful: Kids notice bright colors, He was mostly blue: usually a young boys favorite color, He is super strong and super fast, He can fly! plus he has bonus powers like heat/lazer/fire vision and freeze things with a single breath. He always defeats the bad guy and has basically one weakness. This is an ideal super hero, un-defeat-able. However he wasn't my favorite, but he was the one I was familiar with first and I liked ...