My First Comic!
My First Comic!
I wanted to post a blog today to help get my motivation flowing. I struggled today with a Photoshop tutorial that I couldn't figure out so it's best for me to step away.
I figured I would have to go home and take a picture of the cover to show everyone but alas I found the cover online so I can simply post it. To me it's seems pretty obscure. I bought the comic in 86' 87'? for .60 cents when I was at the mall with my Mom.
I remember it clearly we would often visit what was then named the Eastbrook Mall and she would tour the different clothing stores with me in tow. I would struggle to find something to occupy my time and would often slip away to the bookstore or the novelty shop located near by. On this particular day vendors had collectable items on display in the center hall of the mall between stores. You know the type people selling Coins, Toys, random collectable objects and also Comics. I was eyeing somethings when I noticed the comic rack. A spun it around looking at the different covers, the typical Archie or Richie Rich were found ( I had little interest in these) then I saw this cover of Batman and Superman standing out side a cabin door that had been answered by a fella in a cowboy hat and chewing a length of straw. Batman holds a picture of Superboy and Batboy and directly asks "Have you seen our sons?" The fella answers "NOPE!" in big bold letters, at the same time he's leaning against a door hiding Superboy and Batboy in Cryogenic Tubes! What! is the only thing I thought and next "What happens?" I quickly glanced at the price of the comic and placed back on the rack.

Racing to my Mom I asked " Can I have .60 cents to by this comic?" and then pleaded in defense of why I needed the money and that this could be the most important comic ever! Superman and Batman's sons were in trouble and we have to find out what happens. Needless to say .60 cents wasn't that much to part with to keep someone quite for another hour and was quickly granted the ransom. This comic was so important that it was wrapped in plastic! I had never seen that before! I brought the comic to the vendor and paid the him for the release of the prisoner. Finding an out of the way place I carefully opened the plastic wrap and began flipping the pages.
What I discovered was an entertaining story involving the two Super-Sons and a local town being involved with some crooked folks with liquid nitrogen, not once did Superman or Batman appear. This was a bit of a disappointment because I really liked Batman and I had watched all the Superman movies, but only a bit (the story was entertaining and it was my first comic!) I really couldn't totally be against my first comic.
I always looked at the comics stands and periodically would get a G.I.Joe comic, because when I was young G.I. Joe was the world to me, but only a few of the comics interested me. I had bought a couple that the story did appeal to me so my interested in comics was only invested through 'window shopping'. What was the comic that got me hooked? Well, that will take a bit of setup and will be told in a different blog!
Thanks for reading, leave me a comment, question, anything!
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