San Diego Comic Con (revisit) plus leaked Spider-man 2 trailer

San Diego Comic Con (revisit) plus leaked Spider-man 2 trailer

Hello once again Comic Fans! Since I posted about San Diego Comic Con last time a lot of things have developed. Zack Snyder announced Batman will be in the next Superman movie and even flirting with the idea it maybe based on Frank Miller's Dark Knight Returns. I'm doubting how much this is actually going to happen due to the idea that it is a sequel to Superman and that it will precede a Justice League movie. Dark Knight Returns takes place when Bruce Wayne is in his 60's. I could talk all day about this.

 The other thing that was announced was that is the new Guardians of the Galaxy movie Thanos will appear! along with Nebula, Ronan, Gamora, and the Galactic Space Empire known as the Kree! Also Glenn Close to play the leader Nova Prime head of the Nova Corps! This implies that we may see Nova and Captain Marvel. I say implies because it's not certain but it definitely leaves room for the possibility and if the scale of the movie is large enough it may also lead into future solo movies of each of these characters. I'm totally looking forward to this movie. The scope of the movie and how it may relate to previous events in Avengers is exciting!
 The next thing discussed at San Diego Comic Con is Spiderman 2 and the first trailer was shown, over four minutes of footage. This was leaked and posted to Youtube for a minute and I saw before it was taken down. I will say this, it will not disappoint. I think Electro will be larger then life and Andrew Garfield is spot on with his delivery of Spiderman. It's to early to speculate anything good or bad and I don't want to taint this film with any expectations, actually the only thin I ask for is them to complete the film and present it (I'm looking at you Conan: Red Nails)! 

Animatic Below

There have been rumors that Fantastic Four may appear in the next Spiderman movie but I wouldn't give those to much credit. Sony doesn't have the rights to too many Marvel characters adn so it would be difficult for them to do a crossover film at the scope of what Disney and 20th Century Fox are doing, but it's a fun thought if they do. Another Fantastic Four movie should be on the way with a release date of March 6, 2015 according to IMDB. Filming in Louisiana should begin in September with Josh Trank Directing (Chronicle) but only rumors for casting of characters. I'm watching this one because I have history with the Fantastic Four and hope for the best! I liked the originals and they fell into what I expected from Hollywood so I wasn't really disappointed but I did expect more from Dr. Doom (he was a bit cheesy), but I still had a good time. If you are a Fantastic Four fan then check out the anime, even if you are not a fan of anime you will definitely not be disappointed.

I hope you all have a Great Weekend! 

Thanks again!


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