How We Perceive Film, TV, Comics, Video Games, Etc.

How We Perceive Film, TV, Comics, Video Games, Etc.

Everyone has developed different expectations when it comes to comic book based movies. Some are interested in a 'True-to-the-comic' depiction of the characters or in some cases the plot (if it is derived from a particular arc). Others like to alter the characters or plot to make it fit into a general familiarity of the human condition more or less stripping them of the nuances found in the comics over the years, but sometimes necessary to condense the character down in order for it to fit into a film lasting only a couple of hours. Some care more about the film and how it is presented and how it fits into the classic understanding of film. Finally, there is another group more interested in taking the content and turning it into a film that challenges the boundaries and the average understanding of films, sometimes this doesn't sit well with general audiences until it develops a regular audience, examples; Tim Burton, Zack Snyder, etc.

When we view a movie we can consciously ask ourselves "From what perspective am I watching this film?" and "Is this how the creators of the film intended it to be viewed?" Because when we critique anything to be good or bad we need to understand that there are two perspectives One: our individual perspective and Two: the creator, author, filmmaker, etc. Also we can find that those working together (Studio Executives, Producers, Directors, Actors, Writers, Etc.) may be at cross-purposes as they are in production with each trying to show-off their skill.  If you have ever made anything you'll know that sometimes money is an issue as to how well the quality of something will turn out.

If we consider some of these things they will help us Suspend our Disbelief or to  recognize the idiom in which the film is categorized. Our opinions once coupled with firm understanding in perspective we can then give a more detailed critique which goes beyond good and bad, and this is helpful to the reader to make an informed decision. This doesn't mean we can't still have our opinions be them good or bad, but only helps us articulate our thoughts and what appeals or doesn't and thus furthering the art through constructive criticism. 

Share you thoughts with me. My next Blog will be my opinion of the the newest Wolverine movie, and may be up before the end of the week!



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