Pacific Rim
I saw Pacific Rim in IMAX 3D and unless your a real fan of Monsters or Giant Robots and will watch it no matter what IMAX 3D is my recommended form of watching it. Critics have had some good things to say about it. With all of the films high fantasy positives I can understand that it maybe a bit too much for some people. The films cameras focus in on fast and some times mangled up fights between the robots and monsters, these fights typically take place at night. As rule each shot of an effect shouldn't last more then 30 frames. This helps prevent the eye from recognizing it as an effect. So most directors will stick to this rule and in a slug fests like this it may force some of the sequences to appear blurred or visually over stimulating. There is something else to be said about the results of this technique, when applied correctly the over whelming feeling can lead the the audience to feel the relief of making it through a battle well fought when the heroes return home. I can understand though how this may make others feel differently.
Another point I heard later after watching the film is how they didn't focus to much on some of the other pilots. I personally would have liked to see some more of the Russian pilots but time constraints wouldn't allow it for the type of movie Guillermo Del Toro was trying to make. I agreed with this and when different pilots were being introduced I felt that the film might go in the direction of Top Gun or maybe even Aliens, but I was wrong and I was wrong for the better. Some characters particularly Marshal Stacker Pentecost would deserve to have his own movie telling the story of his twelve encounters with the Kaiju Monsters.

What led me to think that this movie might have benefited from focusing on some of the introduced pilots, even though the length of the film would have been ridiculous, was the Jaegers. Each of the robots had individual features that made them distinctly deadly and though the film shows some of these features it would have been nice to see more. I won't ruin the film for you, but eventually the leading robot Gypsy Danger became my favorite and for me would be likened to the Millenium Falcon. The film deals with resurrection and with that there seems to be a bit of nostalgia mixed in.
I really liked this movie, I'm not claiming it's the best movie ever, but it is a fun Summer movie and it is worth the watch. Rarely are we given such grand scale movie by competent artists. Thanks again for reading, I look forward to your comments!
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